Bereavement Course
What is
The Bereavement Journey
If you are visiting this page in response to a personal bereavement we are truly sorry for your loss and pray that you may find some help and comfort here during this difficult time.
The Bereavement Journey
Working through grief and the loss of a loved one takes a long time. The Bereavement Journey course is for anyone who is bereaved, whether recently or dating back several years.
Topics covered include:
Attachment, separation and loss
The impact and pain of bereavement
Adjusting to change
Anger and Guilt
Coping with other peoples reactions
Moving forward healthily
And an optional 7th session on the Faith perspective.
Each session, includes two short talks with opportunities for discussion in small groups of 6-8 people. Sessions are completely free and last an hour and a half.
A Short Introductory Video –
can be seen here.
Register Interest in Attending the Course
Watch this space for details of our next Bereavement Course
To register for a”The Bereavement Journey” course please go to our Registration Form and return to
Attendance for all of the 6 main sessions is recommended and we will contact you with dates of future courses. We wait until we have a small group who want to do the course and then run it at a time that suits as many as possible.
Further information on the Bereavement Journey can be found here and the At A Loss support organisation here.